TrueWireless Ear Buds

Lightweight, durable, and highly functional, TrueWireless earbuds mean no longer having to choose between being active and staying connected.

  • Colors - $149.99

    Slate with Cyan Slate with Lime Slate with Red Slate with Canary

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.
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  • Wireless music and phone calls with on-ear controls
  • Provides 10 hours of music and calls between charges
  • Ergonomic, lightweight and balanced design
  • Includes 4 sets of tips for secure fit
  • Voice-activated music and call controls
  • Sweat and rain-proof for the most strenuous of workouts
  • Rapid-charging long-life power cell and includes a "Y" USB charging cable for charging each side


  • Patent Pending
  • Compatibility:
    • 10" Tablet
    • 7" Tablet
    • 8" Tablet
    • Smartphone

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